Using PhytoOracle on the HPC


This guide will walk you through the necessary steps required to launch PhytoOracle’s pipelines onto a High Performance Computer system using interactive nodes (as tested on the University of Arizona’s HPC running the PBS Pro and SLURM RJMS - Resource and Job Management System).

The interactive node functions as the “foreman” within the time-saving “foreman-worker” framework. The interactive node distributes the computational load, connecting to the “workers” through its IP address (or assigned job name) and job management scripts from the PhytoOracle repository.

Software Requirements

Ensure that your HPC is running CentOS 7 and has these software installed:

  • Python 3 (tested with python v 3.8)
  • Singularity (tested with singularity v 3.5.3)
  • CCTools (tested with CCTools v 7.0.19)
  • iRODS (tested with iRODS v 4.2.7)
  • Git (tested with Git v 1.7.1)

Launching Interactive Node

To launch an interactive node:

qsub -I -N phytooracle -W group_list=<your_group_list> -q <priority> -l select=1:ncpus=<CPU_N>:mem=<RAM_N>gb:np100s=1:os7=True -l walltime=<max_hour_N>:0:0


srun --nodes=1 --mem=<RAM_N> --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=<CPU_N> --time=<max_hour_N> --job-name=po_mcomp --account=<your_group_list> --partition=<priority> --mpi=pmi2 --pty bash -i

replace <your_group_list>, <priority>, <CPU_N>, <RAM_N>, <max_hour_N> with your preferred settings.

An example on the UA HPC is:

qsub -I -N phytooracle -W group_list=lyons_lab -q standard -l select=1:ncpus=28:mem=224gb:np100s=1:os7=True -l walltime=12:0:0


srun --nodes=1 --mem=470GB --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=94 --time=24:00:00 --job-name=po_mcomp --account=lyons-lab --partition=standard --mpi=pmi2 --pty bash -i

Once the interactive node is running, clone the PhytoOracle repository:

git clone

Before proceeding, note the IP address of the interactive node. You can find the IP address with ifconfig. This will be used for connecting the manager to the workers.

cd (change directory) into the desired pipeline and continue.

Launching Workers

Create an executable script according to your HPC’s RJMS system. If using PBS Pro, use your preferred editor to create a .pbs script, if using SLURM create a .sh using the following templates:

PBS Pro:

#PBS -W group_list=<your_group_list>
#PBS -q <priority>
#PBS -l select=<N_nodes>:ncpus=<CPU_N>:mem=<RAM_N>gb
#PBS -l place=pack:shared
#PBS -l walltime=<max_hour_N>:00:00
#PBS -l cput=<max_compute_N>:00:00
module load singularity

export CCTOOLS_HOME=/home/<u_num>/<username>/cctools-<version>

/home/<U_ID>/<USERNAME>/cctools-<version>/bin/resource_monitor -O log-flirIr-makeflow -i 2 -- work_queue_factory -T local <INTERACTIVE_NODE_ADDRESS>.<HPC_SYSTEM> 9123 -w 12 -W 16 --workers-per-cycle 10 --cores=1 -t 900


#SBATCH --account=lyons-lab --partition=standard
#SBATCH --job-name="phytooracle"
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=94
#SBATCH --time=24:00:00
#module load singularity
module load python/3.8

export CCTOOLS_HOME=/home/<u_num>/<username>/cctools-<version>

/home/<U_ID>/<USERNAME>/cctools-<version>/bin/work_queue_worker -M PhytoOracle_FLIR -t 900

As before, change the highlighted <fields> to preferred settings.

Here are examples on the UA HPC system, using “u1” as the user number and “hpcuser” as the username, looks like:

PBS Pro:

#PBS -q standard
#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=28:mem=224gb:np100s=1:os7=True
#PBS -W group_list=lyons-lab
#PBS -l place=pack:shared
#PBS -l walltime=5:00:00
#PBS -l cput=140:00:00
#module load unsupported
#module load ferng/glibc
module load singularity

export CCTOOLS_HOME=/home/u1/hpcuser/cctools-7.1.5-x86_64-centos7
cd /home/u1/hpcuser/data_output_folder

/home/u1/hpcuser/cctools-7.1.5-x86_64-centos7/bin/work_queue_factory -T local <commander_IP_address> 9123 -w 24 -W 26 --workers-per-cycle 10 --cores=1 -t 900

It is important to note that lines 12, 14, and 27 will have to be personalized, and the commander IP address must be specified in line 27.


#SBATCH --account=windfall --partition=windfall
#SBATCH --job-name="phytooracle"
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=94
#SBATCH --time=24:00:00
#module load singularity
module load python/3.8

export CCTOOLS_HOME=/home/u12/cosi/cctools-7.1.6-x86_64-centos7

/home/u1/hpcuser/cctools-7.1.6-x86_64-centos7/bin/work_queue_worker -M PhytoOracle_FLIR -t 900

Save your changes and submit with:

PBS Pro:

qsub <filename>.pbs


sbatch <filename.pbs>

Depending on the traffic to the HPC system, this may take some time. You can search for your submitted job using:

PBS Pro:

qstat -u username


squeue -u username

The HPC setup is now complete. Navigate to the pipeline of your choice to continue: